Rathbone Mansions

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New Orleans: Hot, Cool and Gone

The three words in the title of this blog are spot-on ones that were used to describe trumpeter Dizzy Gillespie’s playing. Now, I’m using “hot, cool and gone” to describe New Orleans. Why? No reason except that when Life magazine came up with this description in 1948 for a piece titled Bebop: The New Jazz they knocked it out of the park. I love it. So I’m going to steal it!


Welcome to Rathbone’s new blog series that will appear every week and cover New Orleans in all its glory – and much more. Yes, I’m a New Yorker but I’ve always been intrigued by the American south and its culture so we’re going to expand our coverage and spread out across the country.

Why? Because it will be fun to talk about the people, food, style and so on in this part of the good old USA. I also plan to compare the uniqueness of New Orleans with other spots down South.

So fasten your seatbelts folks, you’re in for a new reading adventure. Or not. At least I’ll give it the old college try – but writing blogs is like snowboarding in the Olympics: nothing is certain. Or as Woody Allen has famously said, “Showing up is 80% of life. Sometimes it’s easier just to hide home in bed. I’ve done both.” He said this after winning an Oscar for his movie Annie Hall.

Then he added, “People are afraid to face how great a part of life is dependent on luck. It’s scary to think how much is out of one’s control.” Of course, ask any snowboarder. Or writer. Let’s face it: everyone can relate to this idea. But enough already, let’s get on with the show.


The first thing to accept about this wild and wonderful city is that it’s like no other city on the planet. Have I seen scholarly studies on this subject? No academic working on a doctorate would touch such a hot topic, (they opt for exciting things like “The Eating Habits of the Fruit Fly”). But good old Google saves the day by quoting Travel & Leisure and saying New Orleans is America’s Favorite City.”  Writer Scott Gold sums it all up by saying,


1.     New Orleans is home to more bars than anywhere else in the country

2.     There are more single people than anywhere else in the United States

3.     If you have a job in New Orleans chances are you’ll be treated well

4.     More movies were made in the state of Louisiana than in Hollywood

5.     New Orleans is a hugely important port city – the Mississippi is busy

6.     The Super Bowl is held regularly in this city: the hospitality + weather

7.     The city ranked #1 in Forbes for attracting those with college degrees

That’s an impressive list, right? Is it overstated? Who knows? I’m a fact checker, not a numbers cruncher. Just remember to stay tuned to us – we’ll give you even more reasons why you should visit fun-loving New Orleans.


When was the last time you slept in a mansion? Never? Tsk, tsk, we’ll have to change that. Look into booking into the Rathbone Mansions for your next trip to The Big Easy. You’ll never regret it.

Shaun Nelson-Henrick